Two women looking at the whiteboard


Enterprise Content Management Pre-Study
and Strategy Services

✓ Informed Decision-Making
✓ Efficiency Optimization
✓ Risk Mitigation
✓ Strategic Advantage

Ensure success of your ECM initiative through well-informed decision-making

An office meeting

A successful ECM journey starts with a smart strategy and knowing your unique needs. ECM Pre-Study and Strategy provide a proactive approach to address compliance and security concerns, initiating cost-saving measures.

What is ECM Pre-study?

ECM Pre-Study is the foundation that assesses the current state of content management processes. It identifies inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas that require improvement. A pre-study tailors your ECM strategy, increasing implementation success.

What is ECM Strategy?

ECM strategy is the overarching plan for effective content management. It involves the planning, development, and implementation of efficient content management processes, tools, and technologies to ensure compliance.

Why ECM Pre-Study and ECM Strategy
are worth investing?

A laptop standing on the table

Crucial for the efficiency of your ECM initiative

Starting with Pre-Study and Strategy ensures that subsequent actions are well-informed and aligned with the organization's unique needs. Without this initial assessment and planning, other actions may lack direction and coherence.

Lower implementation errors using data-driven decision-making

Access to reliable and well-organized data is critical for effective decision-making. ECM Pre-Study and Strategy lay the groundwork for this essential capability.

Mitigate costly risks

ECM Pre-Study and Strategy provide a proactive approach to address compliance and security concerns, initiating cost-saving measures. Implementing compliance retroactively can be costlier and riskier. Implementing cost reduction without proper planning can be less effective and disruptive.

Ilya Mukashev, Product Manager IseoSolutions

Ilya Mukashev, Product Manager IseoSolutions

“ECM Pre-Study and Strategy services act like your trusted guides in the content management journey. They help you plan your route, avoid problems, and stay compliant. With our team by your side, it's not just about getting there; it's about getting there confidently and smoothly.”

Approach & Execution

Two women in the office pointing at the white board

During the project we will go with you through the following phases:

Phase 1

Analysis, Requirements, Specification.

Phase 2

Market Analysis, Vendor Selection, RFQ/RFP.

Phase 3

Vendor Selection, Presentations, PoC, Reference customers

A preview of Enterprise Content Management Pre-study PDF

Depending on your goals you choose a package that fits your needs

We offer a range of carefully crafted packages for our Pre-Study and Strategy services to cater to the diverse needs of our clients.

Whether you're seeking a comprehensive strategy overhaul or a focused pre-study to fine-tune your existing processes, our packages are designed to deliver tailored solutions that best suit your requirements.

  • Services included per package

  • Deliverables per package

  • Pricing

Download the PDF to learn:

Which outcomes to expect with ECM Pre-Study and Strategy

A laptop on the table

Your Pre-Study Outcomes

  • Current State Assessment: A detailed understanding of the organization's current content management practices and challenges.

  • Pain Point Identification: Identification of specific pain points and areas requiring improvement.

  • Recommendations: Clear recommendations for how to address content management issues and develop an ECM strategy.

  • Budget Estimate: An estimate of the costs associated with ECM implementation.

  • Business Case: Development of a business case for ECM implementation, outlining potential benefits.

A woman going through the corridor of the office

Your ECM Strategy Outcomes

  • Clear Roadmap: The ECM strategy provides a clear roadmap for how content will be managed, organized, and utilized within the organization.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Improved content management practices lead to increased operational efficiency and reduced redundancy.

  • Effective Compliance: It ensures that content management practices align with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of compliance issues.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Collaboration is fostered through better access to information and streamlined document sharing.

  • Strategic Asset: Content is recognized and utilized as a strategic asset, contributing to informed decision-making.

Here is what our clients already achieved

Other services

  • Purchasing Dossier

    Program & Project Management


    We will fully oversee your ECM projects, so you don't need to allocate extra resources and time here. We'll bridge the gaps between IT and business, guide your team through rollout and governance.

  • Contract Dossier

    Solution Design & Implementation


    We will analyse, design and implement your solution. We will manage the deployment, prepare communication and train employees for smooth operations start.

  • Ongoing Support & Managed Services


    We will support your company growth and respective rollouts and make sure your systems are up-to-date and reflecting your current needs, analyze occurring challenges and provide solutions right away.