Digital Signature Processes

Sign any types of documents or forms secure and fast! Whether these are back-office documents, any type of contracts with your suppliers or customers, employees, or even industry-specific documents or forms and requiremnets like 21 CFR Part 11

  • IseoSign for DocuSign

    IseoSign for DocuSign

    IseoSign is an add-on for DocuSign that adds a host of features and capabilities to the standard e-signature process and OpenText™ Content Server to DocuSign integration. With IseoSign, users can completely automate the starting process on DocuSign side and eliminate the manual user start step in DocuSign, this process is initiated completely in the background.

  • OpenText Core Signature

    OpenText Core Signature

    OpenText™ Core Signature is a professional, enterprise-grade solution that allows employees and partners to sign quotes, contracts and other documents in a fast, compliant and hassle-free way. Integrated with OpenText™ Core Share at the enterprise tier, OpenText™ Core Signature provides a unified solution to solve all enterprise content collaboration and approval needs.

Stop signing on paper - the future of secure document signing is digital.

Women are signing paper documents

Paper signatures are becoming outdated and inconvenient. With the rise of remote work and global communication, the need for a secure, efficient, and legally recognized digital signature process is more important than ever.


  • Paper signatures are time-consuming and inefficient. Printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents can take hours, slowing down business processes and frustrating customers.

  • Paper signatures are prone to errors and even fraud, they are difficult to verify and track, making it hard to ensure that the right people have signed the right documents at the right time.

  • Paper signatures are harmful for the environment. They require paper, ink, contributing to deforestation, pollution, and climate change. In contrast, digital signatures are eco-friendly, paperless, and secure.

Why adopting digital signatures?

Adopting digital signatures is crucial as they are secure and efficient. As more organizations adopt this technology, there will be increased standardization and interoperability.


  • Security: Digital signatures use encryption technology to ensure the authenticity and integrity of documents, making them tamper-proof and highly secure.

  • Efficiency: Digital signatures eliminate the need for printing, scanning, and mailing documents, saving time and increasing productivity. They can be signed and shared instantly, from anywhere in the world. Wrapped in the right process of generating the document, triggering the signature process and storing the final document can dramatically increase the usability and the speed up the overall process.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Digital signatures reduce the costs associated with paper-based signatures, such as printing, paper, ink, postage, and storage.

  • Legally recognized: Digital signatures are legally recognized in many countries, making them a valid alternative to traditional signatures for contracts, agreements, and other legal documents. Also specific requirements to electronic signature like 21 CFR Part 11 can be fulfilled.

  • Auditable: Digital signatures provide an auditable trail of signatures, ensuring that the right people have signed the right documents at the right time. This reduces the risk of errors and fraud, and increases transparency and accountability.

Woman in the office

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